Lukasz's Path to Leadership at UHS: A Journey of Determination  and Growth

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Lukasz's Path to Leadership at UHS: A Journey of Determination and Growth

Career Change and Joining UHS

Lukasz's story begins with a significant career change that led him to University Hospital Southampton (UHS). His journey from Poland to the UK was not just about geographical relocation; it was a life-changing decision. Lukasz's academic background in public administration presented limited opportunities in his home country, driving him to explore other avenues. He took the leap after a friend invited him to come to the UK for the summer and started working as a housekeeper at a gym in Southampton. What followed was a journey that would lead him to UHS and a lifelong career in healthcare.

Lukasz's decision to step into the healthcare field was sparked by the desire to find more meaningful work and escape the mundane administrative roles he had previously encountered. The allure of making a difference in people's lives through healthcare was too compelling to ignore.

Starting as a Health Care Assistant (HCA)

Lukasz's early years at UHS saw him working in Housekeeping before being encouraged to work as a Health Care Assistant in Theatres, stating “The theatres sounded very interesting, and I was also curious how that looks”. The transition was not without its challenges, but it was these very challenges that contributed to his personal and professional growth. From language barriers to adjusting to a new work environment, Lukasz persevered and thrived. His time as an HCA became the solid foundation upon which he built his career.

As an HCA, Lukasz was exposed to the dynamic world of the theatre recalling”the first day I came into theatres, I really was gobsmacked by the environment, and everything was so interesting. Every day was a learning opportunity and every day was just a great experience for me and I really enjoyed compared to my boring job before- back home”. This spark of interest in the theatre became the driving force behind his decision to continue in this development. It wasn't just about work; it was about embracing a career that he found truly fascinating.

Transitioning to an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP)

Making the shift from an HCA to an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) represented a substantial turning point in Lukasz's professional journey. This transition was not without its challenges and demanded his commitment to capitalising on training opportunities while focusing on further education. At UHS, the institution didn't merely offer employment; it also presented ground for potential growth and encouragement.

Lukasz chose to pursue his personal development journey through educational endeavours and training. He temporarily stepped away from UHS to enrol at Bournemouth University as a full-time student, working toward becoming a qualified ODP. This option is now available as an apprenticeship route, which wasn't an option previously.

Achieving the status of an ODP marked a significant milestone in his career, ushering in a new dimension of responsibilities and opportunities. Upon his return to UHS following his training, he expressed his ongoing sense of support, remarking “I've got lovely colleagues here whom I’ve known each other for years. When I was a junior, they were supporting me and even now even though we are on kind of completely different levels”.

From ODP to Senior Anaesthetic Practitioner

As an ODP, Lukasz's journey was far from over. He advanced further in his career, transitioning to his current role as a Senior Anaesthetic Practitioner. This progression was marked by key milestones and achievements along the way, demonstrating the exceptional growth opportunities available at UHS.

In this role, Lukasz faces additional responsibilities and challenges. As a Senior Anaesthetic Practitioner, he continues to refine his clinical skills and develop the essential qualities required for leadership in healthcare. The role is a blend of clinical expertise and leadership, a testament to his versatility.

Mentoring and Leading: Supporting Colleagues' Development

Lukasz's journey within UHS culminated in his role as a team leader. Here, he actively contributes to the development and performance management of junior colleagues saying "My primary approach is to instil passion and enthusiasm in my team. I want to share the joy I find in my work, which motivates and inspires them." His guidance and support have made a tangible difference in his team members' professional growth. The transition from a clinical practitioner to a mentor and leader was a natural progression in Lukasz's career due to his passion for the theatre department.

Lukasz's Message and Future Aspirations

Lukasz's story serves as an inspiration to his colleagues and anyone considering a career change in the healthcare field. His journey is a testament to the myriad opportunities available within healthcare, and how with determination, one can rise through the ranks from an entry-level role to a leadership position.

As for the future, Lukasz aspires to become an anaesthetic associate—an advanced practitioner in anaesthesia. This path would lead him to further develop his clinical skills and contribute significantly to patient care. However, for now, Lukasz said "I'm very early days in my team leader role, which it hasn’t even been a year. And it's a huge variety of tasks and skills you need to develop. If I stay in this role, I will still have years to advance as a team leader and aspire to be the best for my team.” His unwavering commitment to learning and improving in his field is a reflection of the spirit of growth and development at UHS.

Lukasz's story is a reminder that career success is not limited to one's starting point. With passion, dedication, and the right opportunities, one can shape a fulfilling and rewarding journey in healthcare. Leaving us with this message of encouragement “I always felt especially coming here another country. I always felt this very open and equal opportunities. And if you have a drive to develop yourself to kind of progress with your career, nothing is impossible, I would say and there are equal and open opportunities to everyone who wishes to do that and to kind of grab them.” His story at UHS is a testament to the possibilities that lie within the healthcare field for those willing to embrace them.

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